A Whole Year of Producing our Bespoke Wood Flooring

Above the canopy / 13 December 2021

local devon flooring

What a year it’s been for us here at Coppice & Crown producing our bespoke wood flooring. It’s always difficult to look back on your progress when we’re spending most of our time sending off deliveries of solid oak flooring or creating parcels of ash flooring for eagerly awaiting customers. Reflecting on this past year as a team has helped us see what positive changes have been made and how yes……we’re definitely ready for a Christmas Break. Thank you for all of your help and support over the last year- take a look below to see all the exciting things we got up to in 2021.

Concreting our bottom yard here in Devon was one of the first major changes towards the end of last year.  If you didn’t know the bottom yard before, you didn’t want to! What’s important now is that we have a beautiful yard where we can neatly stack all of our UK grown trees, and keep the sawing process efficient and organised. This photo shows the half way point, but now it’s complete, it’s hugely changed how we work as a company and produce even better bespoke wood flooring choices for everyone discovering our brand.

wood flooring outdoor yard

Talking of sawing, not only did the addition of the yard help, but we also acquired a sawyer to help us keep on top of all sawing. Ed Williams has joined our team and has taken over all milling using our Serra sawmill. Ed has fitted into our team seamlessly and  saws all of our solid wood flooring at the green stage of its life cycle. It will be another 1-2 years before the boards he saws become your bespoke wood flooring. 

With all of this timber getting sawn, it’s a good job we completed the build of our climate controlled eco shed for keeping our bespoke wood flooring here in Devon. Sheeps wool insulated from Thermafleece UK, timber clad internally and externally and framed using UK grown and made glulam timber. Our new shed has been featured in Wood for Good articles and is believed to be the largest UK grown glulam frame existing today. Flooring customers have found it a joy to visit and although we’ve only had it a year, we can’t imagine a business without it. Thanks Buckland Timber for all of their help building it.

uk grown shed
sugar infront of wood flooring

The same goes for our other 2021 addition- Sugar the dog. She joined our team in May as a young puppy, and she’s taken to sawmill life like a true lumberjack. She’s the colour of all wood, so in the top shed she becomes very camouflage. For this reason, if there is any machinery on, she resides in the office, lying across the underfloor heating. She’s continually happy and has chewed her way through a lot of wood already- nobody’s flooring order yet though!

In many ways the above 2021 accomplishments can’t be beaten, but we think this one wins. We got married! In September Polly & Tom tied the knot at Polly’s parents farm in Somerset and then took a further two weeks off to spend a honeymoon in France. Tom had designed and helped build the marquee for the wedding, which again is made of a glulam frame. It was a magical day and undoubtably the highlight of 2021. We’d like to write a really long post all about it- but instead, our celebrant Lisa beat us to it!

wedding sawmill
forklift for wood flooring

However, some would argue otherwise and suggest that our latest addition is by far the most exciting piece of news yet! We’ve recently changed to an electric forklift for use in our top shed. It’s completely silent, and run entirely on electricity produced from our on site solar farm. It’s been a purchase we’ve been wanting to make for a long time and have finally got round to doing. It’s smooth running will certainly help us in producing bespoke wood flooring orders with style.  We’re calling it an early Christmas present to ourselves to help with all of our flooring orders before and after the Christmas break.

Well that wraps it up- 2021 what a year. Thank you for following our stories and for finding our website. We’re a small approachable team and have have enjoyed your custom over the last year. If you follow us on Instagram and Facebook there will be Christmas tree photos coming shortly as well as constant photo streams of our bespoke wood flooring, so keep an eye open. We’ll be turning off our emails for the Christmas break and will be back in the new year- have a fun one!

bespoke wood flooring

Insta moments

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